Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Violence Of Black Men And Women - 1436 Words

Yes all lives matter, however, a pattern of black men and women have been murdered by police brutality; therefore, we need to concentrate on preserving Black at this moment. At this very moment, in the United States, there have been destructive riots and peaceful protest from all races but mostly African Americans because we continue to witness our black men and women die from police brutality without justice being served. It is significant that whoever wins the presidential Election will take steps in assuring that all people especially black people are protected by the police and not murdered by them. It is important that this president take steps in assuring that the justice system will began to be just in cases such as the Treyvon Martin, Eric Garner and Sarah Bland. It is important the president ensures that officers are properly trained when it comes to dealing with those who are unarmed for the simple fact that there are other methods to arresting a person that is unarmed wit hout killing them. It is prominent that the President search for other solutions that will decrease the amount of police brutality that is inflicted on African Americans on a day to day basis. Because quite frankly, we are disgusted and angry, and tired of seeing youth die for ridiculous reasons. To begin with, there’s the case of Treyvon Martin a seventeen year old high school student who resided in Florida. In 2012, Martin was visiting his father’s house while walking to his father’s house,Show MoreRelatedBlack Women And Domestic Violence Essay1701 Words   |  7 PagesBlack women experience a lot of things in life differently from others, because of their intersectionality of being not only a woman, but also black. 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